Junior Academy
Dear Junior Academy Families:
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! As the Junior Academy embarks on another incredible school year, I am truly looking forward to the amazing journey ahead. Our school community is vibrant, resilient, and ready to tackle new challenges with optimism and determination.
The Junior Academy is home to:
- Winners of Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, Ezra Jack Keats Book Cover Contest, & Junior Beta Club State Convention Competitions (including Junior Beta Club State President)
- Champions - District Middle School Boys Basketball & District Middle School Cheerleading competition
- PBL/STEAM Student Showcases, including creating recyclable clothing, highlighting cooking & presentation skills, presenting current healthcare issues, and building boats for a cardboard regatta
- Harpists performing with the Urban Youth Harp Ensemble
- Participants in the Southern Star Chorus competition & All-State Chorus events
As the new academic year begins, I am reminded of the strong partnership between our dedicated staff, supportive families, and talented students that make the Junior Academy such a special place. While the "middle" of a student's academic journey is often filled with new challenges, such as navigating new friendships or learning how to balance an increased workload, this time will also be filled with enriching experiences, engaging lessons, and opportunities for growth. Our team has been working diligently to prepare innovative and dynamic lessons and programs that cater to the diverse needs of all our students.
Let us embrace this new school year with enthusiasm and support for the academy’s vision of Gold Standard service. I am confident that together, we will make this year one of the best yet for JA students. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Here's to an awesome year ahead in JA!
Dr. Cynthia A. Gunner
Junior Academy Principal
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